Please Pray For A Friend
Friend has adult children going thru particularly difficult life challenges and a Husband who needs lots and lots of Prayers! She is a Prayer Warrior for Christ but needs our Prayers!
Today’s the day
At 50 years of age, I’ve moved forward on education. After life changing circumstances which seem to be unexplainable brings me to where I am now, today at 2:45 the PMP exam will begin. Let’s pray the wisdom to pass…
marriage, job, finances
- I would like prayers to find a job in libraries in Brittany, to find a house, to restore my marriage. May I live by faith and not byt he world !! May my family be saved !! Be blessed…
Mariage, job, finances
Please pray for my marriage, to find a job a be successfull in my studies, to save my family from hell, That they sleep well
Searching Gods will for my portion on my business, fairly and insight to direction forward . Thx
help me thru this
Dear God, things are tight, no money, no job Please open some doors for me.
“Be still and know that I am God!” – Psalms 46:10
Wisdom is a gift that God promises to give to those who ask for it! You can grow in wisdom each day and make better decisions as you spend time reading the Bible and communicating with God through prayer. God…
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.
prayer for zeal for the Lord in our churches
Lord, your Word tells us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. To raise our hands and voices and proclaim your goodness. Lord, enliven your churches with the a zeal for you, for a thirst for your boldly preached…